Originally hailing from Russia, Olga Sapozhnikova served as a Russian diplomat in Japan. After a six year stint with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia, she developed an interest in filmmaking.Olga graduated from the school of political journalism in Russia and Manhattan film Academy in Dubai, and based in Dubai now. Her first film "Harem" was about famous UAE women and has been telecast on Russian television, then she made a film for TNT channel "Risky girls" about why women choose dangerous professions. “Hidden Beauty” - documentary about eastern and western women in UAE was recently screened in La Femme film festival LA and Montreal film festival. Sapozhnikova is intrigued by the roles of both men and women in contemporary Arab culture. "It is a privilege to be a woman in a society where the man assumes the responsibility of protecting the woman. So no matter how successful she becomes, she still knows she can fall back on someone."